Nov 27, 2020
12 Days of Local Love - Day 6: Just For You Day Spa
Here we are at the half way point of this series! I am having so much fun with this, and I hope you are all enjoying this too, maybe it's...

Nov 24, 2020
12 Days of Local Love - Day 5: The Prairie Grazer
What is probably thee best part of Christmas or any holiday? The FOOD! We all know there is nothing better than indulging in our...

Nov 22, 2020
12 Days of Local Love - Day 4: Oneiro Designs
I will come out and say it - I have an obsession with jewelry - it can bring a whole different look to an outfit, and brings out a...

Nov 12, 2020
12 Days of Local Love- Day 3: James Marie Design
Day three is a local business that can't help but warm your heart with the story behind their product! James Marie design is based in...

Nov 8, 2020
12 Days of Local Love - Day 2: Pink Chickie Scrunchies
Day 2 is also a local business from Saskatchewan (we seriously have so many talented people in this province)! Beth is the creator of...

Nov 2, 2020
12 Days of Local Love - Day 1: Prairie Rose Knots
Halloween is behind us, and I am kicking it into Christmas gear earlier than normal this year because I am SO excited to get started on...